Joseph built houses in the area of Nazareth with his eldest sons. When his wife died, he was left alone with sons and daughters of different ages.
A young unmarried woman, Mary, had become pregnant and, according to tradition, a marriage was arranged between Joseph and Mary. Such practical arrangements were possible if the man was considered sufficiently honorable.
Thus Jesus was born as the youngest child in Joseph's family and about thirty years later he was crucified in Jerusalem with two other men from Galilee, so-called knanaias, who had taken part in knife attacks on Roman soldiers.
The reason why any living person is aware of this crucifixion, among so many others, is that Jesus was a prophet sent to the world to deliver a message that would be spread to all nations before the end of the world.
Our world is a world of lies, betrayal and violence, and Satan is its prince. The Son of man came from a higher world, a world of incomprehensible power, to proclaim the will of God with us humans: the good news that all who are worthy have eternal life to wait in the kingdom of God. While Satan and those who support him are doomed to eternal death.
When that time comes, people will end up in a snare and before doom comes a time of great tribulation, worse than ever before. At the end of this time the Son of Man will come from heaven with great power and then comes the end.
The free market demands ever-increasing economic growth, growing production and consumption, growing markets and a minimum of restrictions. Reduced growth means crisis, reduced profits and fewer opportunities for livelihoods.
Fossil fuels have created an explosive economic growth that can supply more and more people on earth. More and more people can have an ever higher standard and longevity. As long as there is enough energy!
In the last fifty years, energy-efficient technology has been developed, but still more and more energy is used every year. And every year, carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere increase by about 1.7 percent. Business as usual.
Precisely the annual increase in emissions leads to the global average temperature in the lower layers of the atmosphere increasing and increasing faster and faster. In the years 1970-2020, the increase was 1 ° C and if there is no trend break, the total increase will be 1.5 ° C to 2029 and 2.0 ° C to 2047. And 4 ° C to 2095!
To prevent the climate crisis, all combustion of fossil materials and of materials bound in the biosphere must virtually cease. Replacing fossil fuels with biofuels from the forest would not affect the average temperature at all until the year 2100 because trees bind carbon dioxide for hundreds of years if they are not used as fuel.
We're stuck in a snare. If we stop adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, the economy that supplies the earth's growing population will collapse, and if we do not stop, the collapse will come anyway and with even greater force. Several billion people will be without food. It will be the most difficult tribulation ever for mankind.
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
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